Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Upstairs Ruckus!

It wasn't a party kind of ruckus but the remodeling kind... Wow... three minutes and my mind was blown. That noise can drive me bonkers! 

After Mom left, I was just getting things in order when it started... I had to get out of the house! I went to RTMart and bought toothpaste. That was the special for today. I came home, and put things away and got my workout gears and food. I was out the door again.

I went to World Gym and since the weather was so perfect, I really wanted to go for a nice long run... Why not? I can't go home! But by the 12th kilometer, my watch was running out of battery... WAHHHHHH... I ended my run with only 16km. The watch is now being charged! 

Back to World Gym... I sat in the sauna, had a nice shower, and came home at 3:30. The noise had stopped! Praise Jesus!

I started dinner and wanted to work on my talks... that was the original plan, but I can't be in the house with that pounding. It's going to be for about three days as they are tearing out both bathrooms and knocking down walls. Once that's done, I'll be able to stay home and work.

Isaiah accepted the position at NanShan and probably won't be teaching at Soochow... Oh well... 

I didn't have Bible study this evening.

After Mom went to bed, I had time to work on my talks. I also baked for MOE and Soochow Bible study!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I'm reading through Nehemiah right now and I found this prayer based on Nehemiah 8:10:

Heavenly Father, thank You that You are my joy and my strength. Thank You that there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus and that Your grace is sufficient for me. Keep me faithful to You, for You are my faithful and generous God. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

“Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

(Nehemiah 8:10)

Source: https://prayer.knowing-jesus.com/Nehemiah/8

Seek Him First!


  1. Well, you said it is a great salary so at least he can go from there, up and up

  2. Yes, the salary is great... but I don't trust the words of this particular company. The hours look great, but I have a feeling that there will be a lot of overtime without pay!

  3. We cannot do that here but don't know about your country.... good luck
