Saturday, May 6, 2023

Going to the Dentist...

Yes, it was the usual teeth cleaning appointment that I do for Mom and I every six month!

So... this morning, I was up early... 

Annie says I should sleep more... and I'd like to... I realized while sitting in the sauna today... To have more sleep, I have to give up the exercise. When I wake up early each morning, it's time with the Lord. Then I decide -- go back to sleep for another 90 minutes or go and exercise. And I usually go and exercise. Why? Because that actually energizes me more than just 90 minutes of sleep. That was my epiphany in the sauna!

How did I end up sitting in the sauna? 

I scootered over to WGE with my bag of clothes. Put everything in the locker and went out for a run. I finished my 10k and was back at WGE, where I went into the sauna before taking a shower! How delightful! Then I did my 20 minute workout and was back at home for Mom duty! It was very nice! I will do this more often. This is my new weekend schedule!

Mom enjoyed her breakfast and lunch and snack before our dentist appointment at 2:10!

Isaiah and Alan went to play tennis and then went to watch the Soochow Girls' Tennis team play out in Taoyuan. They didn't get third place... They got fourth! They came home in order to get Mom and I to the dentist. I could have walked Mom down via pushing the wheelchair. But it's just so hot! On the way back from the dentist, I picked up Mom's meds, went to withdraw money for our tithes and offering tomorrow, got coffee at Carrefour since I had a coupon and picked up the coffee filters I ordered for church! Very efficient!

Isaiah went for a massage... Both of our haircuts turned out so beautifully. I decided to buy another coupon to use after I get back from the States.

It was another quiet and restful evening after Mom went to bed! I was thinking of going down to visit the new mall that opened up... maybe on another evening!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Seek Him First!

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