Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Epic Experiences

The first Epic Experience was to have breakfast at the Noch's... Why was it so "epic"?  Can you tell by the picture above?  No, it was not the delicious fruit salad or the fabulous egg cassarole.  It was my first time to try Monkey Bread!  TOTALLY YUMMY!!!  I didn't even know there was such a thing as Monkey Bread. I never even heard of such a breakfast option... Never in all my fine dining experiences around the world have I even seen this on any menu. And since I love MONKEYS... what a perfect choice for a get-together with my bestest friends. 

Below you will find the recipe, courtesy of Suz!  Enjoy!!!!

Monkey Bread - Frozen dough

  • 24 ounces frozen dinner roll dough (e.g. Bridgeford Parkerhouse style rolls)
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 (3.4 ounce) package cook-and-serve butterscotch pudding mix - or (if you can't find butterscotch pudding) - 1/2 pkg vanilla cook-and-serve pudding mix and approx. 1/4 cup butterscotch ice cream topping
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 - 3/4 cup chopped walnuts or pecans
  • 1/2 cup melted butter


1.      Put this recipe together the night before, or at least six hours before serving.

2.      Melt butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon together in sauce pan or microwave bowl.  Add butterscotch pudding mix (or vanilla pudding mix plus butterscotch ice cream topping).  Mix thoroughly and allow to cool.

3.      Grease a 9 or 10 inch tube pan or bundt pan. (Do NOT use a pan with removable base, the carmel topping will leak through.)  In bottom of tube/bundt pan, sprinkle some brown sugar and some chopped walnuts/pecans.

4.      Allow frozen dinner rolls to thaw JUST ENOUGH to cut in half with kitchen shears (only takes about 5 minutes).  Place half the frozen dinner roll halves in pan.   Drizzle half the butter/sugar/pudding sauce over the first layer and then sprinkle the nuts.  Repeat with second layer.

5.      Place on counter over night. Do not cover. Next morning bake in a preheated 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) oven for approx 40 minutes.  Cover with tinfoil if top browns too fast.  Let stand a few minutes and turn pan over onto serving platter.   If excess caramel sauce drips onto serving platter, scoop up immediately with spoon and pour over top of monkey bread.
      The second Epic Experience was for my sweet son, Isaiah.  He had a chance to go and see a Laker's Game at the Staple Center -- LIVE.  The Lakers were playing Oklahoma. They gave out free posters and a cheering towel. He got some of the most famous players from the Oklahoma team to sign his poster and towel.  The seats were totally awesome as was the experience. And most miraculous of all, the tickets were a gift from a friend of my wonderful sister and brother in law, Dr. Noguchi.  They were like 160US$ tickets for FREE and he gave us TWO tickets!!!!  And the Lakers WON (ending a 7 game losing streak)!!!!!!!!!!
Seek Him First!

Monday, February 25, 2013

At Least 1000 Words

Seek Him First!!!!

There and Back

It is already the end of February and I didn't want to let a whole month go by without posting at least one entry. As I had promised pictures in my last post... I will try to upload as many pictures as possible in these next few posts.  And if the old cliche is true, perhaps the pictures will help you to see what this month has been like. 

Seek Him First!