Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Another Great Tuesday Study!

Today I was up super super early... I don't know if I can keep this up, but it sure was nice! With the summer heat, getting up at 5am was NICE! I had my time with Jesus and went out for a run and was home by 7:30. Tomorrow, I'm going to attempt getting up at 4am!

After Mom left, I went to World Gym for the 'usual' -- sauna, shower, machines!

I was home by 9:45 and air frying the chicken and getting things set up for our Study. We had six ladies and a wonderful discussion on I Samuel 17: 38-40. Don't let other's expectations weigh you down! 

I cleaned up and went out to pay the bill and renew my book at the library. I was home by 3:30! 

Time to work before Mom gets back! I steamed this 'cake'... with banana, milk powder, oatmeal and chocolate chips. Of course, I added flour and sugar, eggs, butter, honey, etc. That's what I'll be bringing to the MOE tomorrow. It smells and looks great!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I was reading about Jerome of Prague. Here is one of his quotes:

Quote/s of the Day – 30 September – Memorial of St Jerome (347-419) Father  and Doctor – AnaStpaul

Seek Him First!