Sunday, May 7, 2023

Cooler Sunday!

The rain finally came... this evening. It was so stuffy all day...

I got up early and stayed up. I scootered over to WGE and did a work out. Then I scootered over to the park and walked to the tennis court. I missed Alan and Isaiah as they had left for Costco already. I walked over to the Carrefour and they met up with me. They then dropped me off at my scooter and I came home after doing two errands!

Mom was up and showered and eating breakfast.

We had church at 2:15 as Isaiah was leading the worship.

Pastor James spoke about Lazarus. Jesus said he is the resurrection and the life!

I posted that I had a restful evening last night... well... I realized that you might have a different definition for that word, so I thought I'd tell you what I did: I dropped off an electric keyboard on my scooter! I picked up things from another friend. I cleaned and fixed a coffee maker. I took out the trash and went down to throw away the recycling. Actually, it wasn't restful, like I sat and did nothing. It was more of a very productive evening.

Anyhow, after Mom went to bed, I had another 'restful' evening... as you now know what I mean by 'restful'.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Why did Jesus wept in the story about Lazarus? Most people would say it was because he saw the grieve of those around him. But tonight, a new insight: He grieved because they still didn't get what he meant when he said that he is the resurrection and the life. He is life and more life! And sometimes, we don't get what God is trying to tell us... and that grieves his heart!

Seek Him First!


  1. you gotta stop fixing and giving away stuff

  2. then it would be more restful

  3. That's exactly what Isaiah said... There is another FAN down at the recycling... it works but needs to be 'tweaked'... I walked away as I just told myself... I don't have the time to do that!
