Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Another Great MOE Day!

After Mom left, I took off. I got there by 9:05!

Nothing to edit... I did a bit of class prep, so I'm ready for the next two weeks. I brought my Bible study to do, but since we had to cancel for this week, I was in no hurry to finish the lesson. This study has a lot of homework!

Class was at 12:30 and we again had a great discussion. When that was finished, I wrote my usual email and at 2:10 went out for my quick walk. I found the battery for a watch, which I can replace on my own. The watch place wanted 150NT$ for the battery! It was only 40NT$. Of course, I could have purchased it on line, but then the postage was 40NT$. 

I walked back and had office hour!

That was finished by 4:10 and I was out of the office by 5:10. 

I went to World Gym and did a treadmill walk/run and a couple of machines. I went to pick up two free books from a gal who is moving back to the States. Jesus > Religion, by Jefferson Bethke! He made a YouTube video with a poem he wrote and he became an overnight sensation. Interesting... I never heard of him or the poem or his book... 

I was home by 8:30 and tidied up around the house.

No tutoring tonight... YEAH!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images


  1. The good thing about MOE is that often you can be working on other things while you are there.

  2. Yes, that's one of the best things about working there... And I love the students. But I don't like the rush to get out the door and the fact that Alan has to come back early from his tennis in order to walk my mom to the van. And he has to be home in the evening as well. I can't make it back by 5:10.
