Thursday, May 4, 2023

Finally... Another PR Day...

I HAD A NAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ran in the morning and pushed through... I know... you might be asking -- Lovely, why are you torturing yourself? I guess it's the sense of overcoming what's deemed as the impossible... I went out and the temperature was not favorable... Four kilometers into the run, I had to walk... The heat was suffocating. After 500 meters, I started running... a slight breeze came... THANK YOU, JESUS! When I finished 8, I was thrilled... I pushed on for 9k. Then 10k, then 11k! 

After lunch, I read and took a nap!

Isaiah had a second interview this morning and went to work at Soochow at 1pm. Three companies have responded and he didn't get in. But his top one has not responded... and he will now if he gets called back by next week from the company he interviewed with this morning. He has one more interview next week. And Soochow really wants him to work as the TA. The starting salary is 38,000NT$ and if he teaches, that would be an additional 14,000NT$. That's a pretty good monthly income! We shall see... I actually would like for him to work at Soochow, but there isn't a lot of room for upward movement, unless he decides to get his Ph.D. and become a full time instructor/professor!

At 3pm, I went out to run errands... looking for Mother's Day gifts for the church, mailing the letter to 'stop' my WGE for the month, since I'll be in the states for two weeks, buying fruit and veggies, getting gas, and of course, going for my 20 minute workout!

I was back and Mom was back... Wow... how did the day fly by so quickly!?!?!?! I need another PR Day! My Bible study this evening cancelled... It was nice to sit at home and read!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Seek Him First!

1 comment:

  1. Well... I've been saying that about mopping the floor for about a month... I don't think I can put that off any longer!
