Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Wall and Colder Weather...

I finished touching up the wall and putting back all the pictures this morning...

Then I cut Mom's hair before she took a shower... Very nice haircut!

She didn't have anything in the morning and Isaiah was home by 10:30.

I had time for more rest and housecleaning... There is always more to do around the house...

In the afternoon, I dropped Mom off at the massage place and I was going to go for a run, but instead ended up talking with Isaiah. After Alan came home, I went for a fast run... and then took a hot shower and rushed off to tutor.

By the time I got home as I went to run a few errands after tutoring, Mom was already in bed. I had set out her dinner and teeth brushing things before I took off to tutor.

Abby was home... Isaiah was home... Alan was home...

I made another pot of soup...

Seek Him First!
Image result for Proverbs 27:10

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Resting and Touching Up

Since Mom didn't have her morning program, I had to cancel today's Bible study. That was actually a God-thing as my mom was really active last night... and with a cold creeping up, I really needed to rest.

So, that's what I did.

I swept and did a load of laundry. I took Mom walking around the neighborhood.

In the afternoon, the handy man came to repair the two holes in our living room wall... They had to do that to find the leak on the 6th floor... I took our the bottle of yellow paint and did touch-ups around the living room... I can't paint those spots yet until they are fully dried.

While Mom watched Little House, I went for a quick run...

I still feel a bit run-down... So, I will definitely take the rest of the week to rest!

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 46:10

Monday, October 29, 2018

A Cold Is Creeping Up...

I was feeling quite tired... and started to sneeze a lot... It felt like a cold...

So, I made soup... nice hot veggie soup... And I rested.

Mom doesn't have any morning program on Mondays, so I just took her downstairs and we walked around!

In the afternoon, she had her mental class and when that was done, we went to buy groceries and fill the car up with gas.

I feel a lot better...

Oh... I also took a packet of EmergenC!

I'm going to take it easy all week...

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 3

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Children's Day & 20th HOP Anniversary!

What a day!

We went to Costco early this morning to pick up the cake and some bananas... That place was packed at 10am! It was crazy!

We went to church at 1:15 as we had to set up. Alan was in charge of the program... the speaking part... but I should have edited his talk notes for him and his ppt! He was doing a children's program that was way too long and too much... so he never got to talk about the HOP history or to honor those who came to celebrate.

BUT... the games I got were fabulous... Bowling... Basketball... Wham-a-gopher! And the food that we ordered for Love Feast plus the marshmallows skewers and cake were all a big big hit! We had almost 80 people there...

Mom loved all the food... I had to make sure people didn't keep bringing her more food. She kept saying she was still hungry whenever someone came over to say hello! YIKES!

Seek Him First!
Image result for psalm 59:16

Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Investment in Having Another Stake in Taiwan!

This morning while my mom was eating her breakfast, our phone rang... I didn't recognize the number, but I felt I should pick up.

It was the owner who got my number from the guard in the complex we went to yesterday! He said he was going to be there this afternoon if I wanted to come over. I said YES... and drove with Mom over there. Since Alan had taken me to this complex yesterday, I didn't get lost. While I was going into one of the public parking lots, I heard Alan... He saw my message and his debate activity ended at lunch time. Yippy! So, we went together.

The place is on the 10th floor of a 14 story complex.  He had remodeled so that it has two bedrooms, making the place seem much smaller as it doesn't have a living room. But we liked the view... it looks right down into a park, even though there is a fairly big temple to the left of the building. There are a few things I'd like to do, but overall, someone can move in with just some deep cleaning! The owner seemed very nice... and the contract for the listing expires on 12/12! Ha! I told him I'm willing to wait. I told him I'd call him in seven days with an offer and we will go from there. I will need to go and see how much I can borrow from the bank and how much my monthly payment would be! God knows all the answers... and I'm just going to walk by faith!

The day went by very fast... The kids had their own activities and Mom enjoyed the ride to see the property. Since the weather was nice, she just enjoyed being out... as always.

Alan is slowly recovering from his cold... and I did have the chance to go for another short run while Mom watched In Touch!

This evening after Mom went to bed, we had our Family Time!

Seek Him First!
Image result for psalm 105

Friday, October 26, 2018

Ear Wax...

Yes, I took Mom to the doctor to clean out her ears... Boy... it took a while... as there was a lot in there. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to help her hearing much... Oh well... Her next appointment will be to see the eye doctor... I wonder what the doctor can do to improve her eyesight?!?!?!

Alan is a bit down under the weather... he's catching a cold. He is convinced it's because he hasn't done enough exercise since his leg has been hurting... He believes that sweating helps to detox all germs... He has a busy month ahead... so he cannot get sick. Please pray for him.

We also drove out in the afternoon to check out another complex. We didn't see the apartment that's for sale... as it is presently being listed with an agency... I left my number with the security guard to pass to the owner... I don't want to pay a commission. I liked the name of the complex -- the whole world! I liked the location -- right near the park. And it's a newer building! Please pray that it won't be sold... and that the listing will run out SOON! Then I can buy it from the owner! He won't have to pay a commission and neither will I.

Alan drove home with Mom and I ran home... It was a good run... not too far! It took just under 90 minutes! I was hoping for a two hour run... maybe tomorrow...

Seek Him First!
Image result for Open our hearts and minds that we may obey

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Looking for an Investment Property... Sort Of...

Yes, I'm at it again...

I want to buy a small suite in a very interesting area of New Taipei City.

So, today, I picked Mom up from her morning program and we headed out. It was a miracle that I found the place and later drove back home with no GPS! For those of you who know how directionally challenged I am, you know it was a miracle!

This little suite was in an old apartment building in the old part of town... Mom waited downstairs while I climbed up. First of all, it was in this alley that was a deadend. A car can't drive down this alley. I don't know how movers would ever get things into the suite. They fixed it up a bit, but I didn't like the way they had it done. There was very little natural light... Anyhow, I'll pray for 7 days... and go see a few other places.

I can't do much each day... I would have liked to go and see a few more places, but I had to get Mom back home...

Maybe on Saturday I'll venture out again...

It's not really for investment purposes... but I'm sure I can rent it to someone in need of a place to live. I am interested in buying a place to be another prayer tower... I'm not sure why God is highlighting this particular area... I don't like the way the roads go every which way... and the homes are very run-down! And very few churches are in this area...  I will go and look and pray and look... I hope to make a decision before the end of this year...

Seek Him First!
Image result for a place of rest in God

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Starting the Training... Sort Of...

I've decided that on Wednesday when my mom is getting her massage I'll go for a longer run... 80 minutes instead of the usual 30 minutes!

I did my first today... and felt pretty good... "Pretty good" meaning I could have gone a little longer. I better be able to go a little longer...

And once a month, I'll ask Alan to stay with my mom while I go for a 'longer' run... I'm not sure how long that would be... but I have to see if I can still 'run'.

I was going to go and donate blood, but the lines were much too long...

My day went by so fast as I'm also searching for fun gifts that Alan can bring on his trips next month. He will be going to Shanghai and Miyasaki.

Seek Him First!

Image result for James 1:17