Friday, July 22, 2022

Only Through Jesus...

I got up super early... as I had a Bible study group at 7:30... then I took Mom to get her physical and her foot checked... I'm so glad for this smaller hospital. Because even it being small, I was running around quite a bit. I had to be on the second floor and go down to the first floor and back up to the second floor and back down to the first floor... I think I did that for a total of six times... The physical started on the second floor... and even though I had completed the online registration, I had to go back down to the first floor to get a slip. That's not to pay for the physical. I have no idea why, but that's the required step. Then after the doctor saw Mom, I had to go down to pay for the exams. The X-ray and the blood work are done on the first floor in two different places. Then I had to go back up to the second floor where the doctor to check Mom's foot is located. Then I had to go back down to the first floor to pay for the foot doctor appointment and to pick up the medicine. Oh, we're not finished yet. I then had to go back up to the second floor, where I pick up the receipt to come back on the 29th to pick up the report. How many times is that already? I did forget to get Mom's handicapped card, so that was another trip to the parking lot to get that out of the car. 

I dropped Mom off at the Day Care Center and came home. It was time to plug in the WiFi and see if Alan was around. And he was! So we had time to chat and pray together.

I then proceeded to clean out the freezer and the fridge. I realized that I've always wanted a summer to stay in Taipei to do things like the organizing that I've been able to do! Again, I'm very happy with the result. 

World Gym had a staff event, so it was closing by 4pm. I was able to squeeze in a run before they shoot me out... I then went to Carrefour and bought a few items... Without Alan and the kids, I realized that my meals are very simple. And it's easy to cook for Mom. My grocery bill is way down! And food stay in the fridge for a long time! I also went to the post office to update all the passbooks... 

I also realize that I don't do but one load a week of laundry. 

This evening, it was nice to rest... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

 Isaiah 28:10 | Bible apps, Isaiah 28, King james version

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630

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