Saturday, January 6, 2024

I Finished!

I was up early and out and there were lots of people. It turned out that there were several 'events' -- 3k, 5k, 10k, half marathon, full marathon and a 50k, plus the CHALLENGE 63.4 which was what I signed up for! So, a total of 600 people. For the Challenge, there were only 131 people! Trust me, I understand why!

The run started at 6am and it was tough... Wow... the toughest one I've done... the 12 hour run was tough mentally. This was tough physically and mentally, facing all the hills, whether up or down!

Alan and Isaiah and friends from church came... It was great to see them. I finished in 8:23:24, first in my age range and 8th for women and 67 overall!

I rode home and showered and did not want to eat. I just wanted to sleep. But we booked for a massage after Mom went to bed! YEAH!

Isaiah went back to work.

I was not hungry... at all... That's the way I am when I run these longer events!

Tomorrow... I think it's going to be difficult to squat... and for sure I will take some time to recover. I probably will walk but no run until Friday!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Only by the power of the Holy Spirit did I make it back... It was enjoyable to be out there and to meet people and to encourage others. I will find a picture to post and you'll see my smiling face... Even through the pain, I looked at our family verse and just persevered, taking one step at a time. I wasn't looking at the next 10k, just the next step. And my watch ran out of battery towards the end... but it lasted for 51k. That was pretty amazing! So, I know it was being powered by God!

Thank you again for all the prayer support! 

Now, I do have a full marathon at the end of April. You can start praying now!

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:4-5 - 88.3 The Journey


  1. You are amazing. Eat and drink even though you don’t feel like it. Small amounts for starters.

  2. WHAT another marathon APRIL????

  3. I'm doing one leg of the triathlon!
