Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Errand Day!

Yep, since I didn't have my tutoring this afternoon, I decided to do the errands! (Annie, I did not do the passport errand! I first have to get that letter done again!)

I ran my 9km and then after a quick shower (I cleaned the shower stall, too!), I headed out to the Household Registry to get my mom's free transport card redone. The lines were so long... but I got it! Then I went to Nangang to get my phone checked out. It works fine! YEAH!

I was home by 3:45 and there was a huge bag of clothes for donation. I sorted through that and decided to lay down on the sofa! I fell asleep! Wow... It was a 30 minute nap! Very refreshing! 

Mom was home promptly and dinner was ready.

I put in a load of laundry. Tonight, I also had prayer time with two gals!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Someone asked me what are some of my goals? I have quite a few... 

Read at night before going to bed. It's from the Daily Light for Our Daily Path Devotional. I highly recommend it.

Give away one book a month, which means I will need to go through our collection of books and decide which ones to give away. That's only 12 books a year, but it's a start.

Of course, I hope to continue to run to keep fit. After April, I will not continue my membership at World Gym Express. I also decided not to continue Tap Dancing. If I wasn't tutoring at all, then I will add that back on my schedule. And I am absolutely keeping my weekly Sabbath!

Genesis 1-2 – Kelsey Messner

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:3-4 – 104.3 The Bridge