Wednesday, October 11, 2023

New Bible Study on Prayer!

The weather is cooler... I went for 90 minutes and felt great. My legs like the cooler weather!

Then it was Mom care... 

I had a lot to get done before 12:30!

I tried to mail a package to Abby. FAILED ATTEMPT! I will try again on Friday! 

I cleaned up and put away fans. 

I was at Soochow and there were nine students with two newcomers! YIPPY!

At 3:23, I went to WGE after stopping at Carrefour. My scooter was loaded up with so much stuff.

I made it to my tutoring by 4:28! YEAH!

Tutoring went well and I was home by 6:20!

After Mom went to bed, I made more fried rice for my own dinner! YUMMY!

Prayer time at 8pm!

Tomorrow is my Sabbath! YIPPY! 

Alan had the day off... And he went to Costco... yes, he bought things that were not on the list, like Himalayan Salt Kirkland chips! TWO BAGS!

Isaiah had work and then he went to play tennis at Soochow with the alumni. 

Tomorrow night is basketball for Alan and Isaiah. They play also at Soochow!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Seek Him First!


  1. DO NOT let him go without YOUR list. HAHAHAHAHA

    1. List or no list, the result is the same!

    2. dang really? gotta be tiger wife

  2. Sorry that it was a fail attempt... I feel like Brazil makes it pretty complicated.

    1. It does... I had no idea that it needed a TAX ID!
