Tuesday, October 24, 2023

A Busy Tuesday!

I was up and squeezed in my run after time with Jesus!

Then it was home to shower and do Mom care! As soon as Mom was in the van, I headed out -- buy sugar at Carrefour, 15 minute workout at WGE, 30 minutes to pick trash and then Home for my Bible study. 

We had six gals and it was a wonderful time. One of the gals, Angela, got engaged on Sunday! And God is working through other requests! We looked at Abraham's obedience from Genesis 22!

After they left at 1pm, I cleaned up and rested!

I had to get up to bake for my Bible study tomorrow and to read my student's new entry. Tutoring started at 3:30. We went long. So, I put Mom's dinner in the microwave and the phone rang! The cake for tomorrow was also done!

Tonight, we had Family Time. 

Alan had evening classes until 8:15, so as soon as he was back, we started. I was really feeling quite tired! I am looking forward to Thursday! The title won't be, A Busy Thursday!

James and Emma are going down south until 10/28! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Seek Him First!


  1. They should visit Mitzi and Tom

    1. It's not that easy... they are all over the place... Difficult to nail them down to a set plan!
