Sunday, August 6, 2023

Double Church Sunday with Double Speaking

I was up early but just relaxed at home. No walk. No WGE. I had an egg sausage muffin and coffee for breakfast. I got all what I needed for the day.  But I didn't take out the Lord's Supper. Bummer and sure enough, I forgot to bring them. 

I got Mom up and Alan was home. I took off with four huge bags of stuff. I had things to give away and the food. I spoke on Stewardship of Time from Proverbs 13: 4.

There were more people, probably because of the potluck! And I went a little long. I had only two main points:

Don't plan without God!

Don't let diligence steal you of the Sabbath Rest!

I was home by 1:30 and had to put things away, take care of Mom and then get everything ready for the HOP Service! And as I mentioned earlier, I forgot the Lord's Supper. I brought snacks. I brought the tea.

We left and helped to set up everything, including the Love Cafe.

I spoke on Jesus Wept-- the Heart of God, Part III!

From Matthew 26:36-46, here were my three points:

Learned trust -- My Father

Learned obedience -- Your will be done

Learned perspective -- If it is possible, let this cup pass from me -- If this cup cannot pass away unless I drink from it

I had ordered the dinner as it was Father's Day. It was delicious! We had ordered and paid for the extras, so it was perfect!

We came home. I got Mom to bed and blogged before going out to meet a friend for the Walk & Talk time! I changed the time to 8pm as it's going to be a super early morning tomorrow!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images