Thursday, August 10, 2023

Another "Sabbath"

I was supposed to have my Sabbath last Thursday, but the typhoon hit and the mayor announced a typhoon day. No Day Care for Mom...

So, I was truly looking forward to this day.

I woke up early and went out and it was hot... no wind and melting, even though I was out at 5:20.

While running into the park, I saw an iPhone 13 on the road. I picked it up and set it on a ledge inside the park, and prayed as I ran -- please let the owner come back as I'm running out! Otherwise I would have to run with it back home!

Sure enough, as I'm heading to the gate, finishing up my run, I saw two young men, looking around the entrance. They were very happy when I got the phone off the ledge and gave it to one of the kids. I told them that I had prayed that they'd be here. He said he was praying too... But I doubt that he knew Jesus!

I was home and took a shower and started a load of laundry. Isaiah took off for work. And I got Mom up! I had to change the bedding again. I wrote a note to the Day Care Center -- please don't give my Mom so much water!

After she took off, while I was downstairs, I took a look at the bikes. The two I had wanted were taken by the 12th floor. Darn it! I pushed the ones that might be good outside the gate of our complex. I'll have to see if I have time on Friday to push one or two down and see if they are any good! 

I was back upstairs and hung up the clothes and put away what was on the line and sat down for a nice leisurely breakfast! Then I spent the morning on my two Bible studies... absolutely delightful. I made myself my favorite lunch of tofu with spinach. I rested after lunch as I didn't get to bed until 10:20 last night. I was up talking to Alan!

I did Mom's bed and organized the top bunk with all the stuff animals. Then I plopped myself on the sofa and read!

The rain started... and it was a downpour. I was planning to go out to take pictures of the bikes and go to WGE, but decided to just stay home!

Mom was back... and I had dinner ready! She's back to her normal eating speed!

I walked one of the bikes down to see if it can be fixed. It was raining, but I enjoyed the rain!

And the rest of the evening was spent on my next talk! That's another reason why I slept late last night. I got started and just couldn't stop! I will speak again on August 27th from John 4:34!

Daily Lovely Insight

This afternoon I was reading a book by Eugene H. Peterson, Living the Resurrection. He mentioned two resurrection meals -- dinner with Cleopas and friend after walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus and then the breakfast at the Sea of Galilee. The reason why that struck me was the text that I'm working on for my talk: My food is to do the will of Him who sent me... Jesus provides true nourishment! Somehow, Cleopas recognized Jesus when he, who was the guest, took the bread, blessed and broke it, acting as the host, that their eyes were opened and they recognized him. And in John 21:12, Jesus' invitation for the disciples (7 of them) to come and have breakfast just touches my heart. I can imagine Jesus inviting me to have breakfast with him, to have a meal with him. He indeed spreads a feast before me every day!


Seek Him First!


  1. typhoon day on a non typhoon day

  2. I don't want typhoon day... that means no day care for Mom... I can't have a Sabbath. I'm setting Thursday as my Sabbath... at least for the summer.
