Tuesday, September 5, 2023

A Full House!

I was up early and out... fairly early... and when I passed the elementary school at 5:22, it said 26. But honestly, it felt like 30! I did my 10k.

After taking a shower and making a salad, I got Mom up and out.

I finished the prep for the Bible study and everyone came fairly on time! There were 10 of us! Some people brought fruit. Others brought desserts. I had the meal and drinks! We looked at Genesis 50: 15-21. It was an invigorating study!

After cleaning up, I headed out to WGE and the bake shop. I got more wraps to make more savory pastries and cinnamon rolls. They turned out beautifully. I also did a load of wash and rested briefly before Mom came home!

This evening was FREE... YIPPY!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Seek Him First!


  1. and TOO bad your time is upside down from us, would love to zoom, one of your bible study
