Friday, September 15, 2023

A Shopping Date!

I was up super early... and it was still 26 at 4:57! I'm not kidding!

I came home and showered and did a few chores! Always!

Then it was Mom care!

After she took off, I called and chatted with Abby until Alan came back home from tennis.

We went off to Gloria Mall in Taoyuan as he needed to buy shoes. We bought FOUR pairs for him. Totaling under 300US$!

Then we ate at the Mall as we stopped to get Coco and food.

We took the long drive back to Taipei and saw the construction of the bridge from Bali to Danhsui. It should be finished by 2025! It looks very nice!

I took a quick nap, headed to WGE and came home for Mom care. Alan had met her downstairs. I had her dinner ready!

Tonight we went out to dinner with the MOE group! Vicky's Mongolian BBQ at Miramar. We've always wanted to try that place. It was good... all you can eat... it was better for someone like Isaiah and Alan.

Oh, you might ask why I didn't buy any running shoes? That's because my brother James ordered two for me via Amazon. I am to receive the first pair on 9/28 and the second pair on 10/11. Two pairs totaling 240US$!!!!!!!!! You read that right! I would never buy at that price! I'm excited to see what I'm getting... They are Brooks... and I think one is Adrenaline GTS and the other might be... I'll be pleasantly surprised!

Daily Lovely Insight:

On October 22nd, I'll be speaking about Martha and Mary, focusing on relationship among siblings. It's quite amazing how much the Bible talks about this particular relationship and how complicated it can get! Look at the first murder... that happened between siblings!

Anyhow, it's quite exciting as I prepare!

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images


  1. This is an amazing insight about siblings. Never thought about that with Martha and Mary. And I want Coco too! Boba all the way!!! Love you guys a ton! 🐘

  2. and I missed the MOE dinner was at the all you can eat, nope can't go to those places, don't eat enough but hey Isaiah and Alan yup
