Sunday, September 3, 2023

Typhoon Sunday?

I was up and out... I went to WGE and then to Carrefour! 

There was no 'typhoon'... it wasn't even cool... 

We left early for church as Alan had a Sunday school meeting.

I knew something was going to happen. I had given Mom yogurt to help with her constipation... and sure enough, during the service, I smelled something... BAD.

To make a long story short, I was in the restroom for the rest of the service! A sister came in and helped me by using a clean trash bag to be used as a glove! That worked! It was BAD!

We didn't have love feast at church because of the 'typhoon'... So, we came home to eat!

What a 'typhoon Sunday'...

Daily Lovely Insight:

In all circumstances... give thanks!

Seek Him First!


  1. service all in the bathroom !!!

    1. When I ran to get my purse as I had some green oil, I ran back and she was DIGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!! AIYO! diarrhea poop!

  2. A different kind of 'typhoon'!

  3. that is so true, typhoon of the rear end type
