Saturday, September 16, 2023

A Fulfilling and Full Saturday

I was up and out... but not as early as on the week days... and by the goodness of God, it was relatively cool. I ran my 10 and hit 63.3 this week.

Then I was home and Mom care... and she did it again! I did a load of wash!


Alan and Isaiah came home from tennis. 

We had lunch at home! I had a salad. And Alan had PB&J. Isaiah had food at the tennis courts. Mom had a sandwich and chips!

I had arranged help to come from 3-7! YEAH!

Alan and Isaiah had a massage. I went and had my hair cut and then headed to WGE for a shower and workout! 

I bought dessert and dumplings and headed to church. Alan and Isaiah joined me there.

I led the Discipleship Training time from 7:00-8:30. The turnout wasn't great! But the discussion was!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I have a series of four talks that I'd like to do next year.

Love -- John 3:16

Seek -- Matthew 6:33

Abide -- John 15:5

Excel -- I The. 4:1/Matthew 5:16

I believe these four tenets are the basics of the life of a believer. And often times, these are not apply and thus, there are many who are lukewarm in their relationship with God.

What do you think?

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images