Friday, March 3, 2023

Beautiful Weather!

I got Mom off... and there was no mess! I made sure she took the pills last night! Nothing on the floor... Nothing on the counter!

I went off for a run and a stop at World Gym Express! I'm so glad I joined. It wasn't crowded at all... and I love the "express"... That's exactly me! I ran there, did an express workout, and ran to the park and back home. 10.37kilometers!

Alan and I went out to a new restaurant for lunch. That's after we did a few errands: stopped at the Brooks' Running Shoes Sale, which was not a sale, stopped at the Post Office and got extra pages for Alan's passbook, stopped at the library to renew a book that I've been trying to finish, withdrew money for Sunday tithes, and bought Coco! The lunch place was fabulous!

We then went to Costco and RTMart. Alan went to Costco and I went to RT Mart! I needed a few things for the upcoming shower and he went to buy milk and romaine lettuce. I had things in the instant pot, cooking for our dinner! Isaiah is hoping to be back by 8pm.

We then went home and I HAD A NAP! I was so tired... the phone rang and Mom was back. I had slept for an hour!

The rest of the evening went by fairly uneventfully!

Daily Lovely Insight:

This is always so refreshing to me... How Jesus invites me to COME... and He will give me REST!

Beach2 Matt 11:28 - Encouraging Bible Verses

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images