Sunday, March 5, 2023

Sunny Sunday!

The weather was beautiful! I did my walk and workout. I even got to ride the bike to the library before coming home to care for Mom.

I made rice porridge for her with bananas and raisins. Yes, it was very delicious.

Alan and Isaiah came back from playing tennis to watch the San Diego State game... They came in first in their region!

I took down the clothes and tidied up around the house. I even had time to take a nap! So refreshing!

We were out the door by 2:15 for church! 

After church we had the congregational meeting.

But we were able to drive Isaiah over to the bus depot.

We got home at around 7:30 and Mom was in bed by 8:30!

I blogged and put away things and ate dinner... 

This week is going to be a busy one!

Tuesday Bible study, MOE, Soochow Bible study on Thursday, and then family picture on Saturday! Please remember to pray for us!

Daily Lovely Insight:

When our heart is filled with worship, our lives overflow with appreciation. 

We are grateful. 

We see life, the good and the bad, with a heart that is God-focused. 

The way things are working might not be what we expected or hoped for, but we acknowledge God in the midst of our disappointments. 

That's worship!

Worship Through Gratitude - She Reads Truth -She Reads Truth

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images