Tuesday, August 2, 2022

It Rained... For More Than 5 Minutes!

I am happy to say that I actually went out for a run... to my usual park... for 11kms... in the rain! It was more of a sprinkle... and it was still quite warm... but it is better than the treadmill!

I spent the morning working... by 11:30, I had to get up... so I went to the store and bought eggs. I had to bake for tomorrow. 

Alan and I had time to talk and pray at 12:15. And at 1pm, I was out... 

After I got back, it was baking... candy bar brownie cake! And then I cleaned out the kitchen cabinets... and proceeded to post things to give away! YEAH! That was another task that I've been meaning to get to... 

Mom was back and I had dinner ready... While she feasted, I continued with my translation job. I'm almost finished and Isaiah has the last set ready for me to edit... I hope to get to that finish before next Wednesday!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Frankincense has so many benefits... but to release those benefits, it must be burned... I never thought about that... So... for our fragrance or specialties to be 'released', sometimes going through tough times will activate those beautiful qualities!

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630


  1. just don't do too much so you can go on your vacation

  2. Oh I will be going on my vacation... FOR SURE!
