Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Rested for Another Day...

After sending Mom off, I got busy. But at around 10am, I decided to lay down! Two hours later... yes, it's true! I napped for two hours and it felt like a snap of a finger or a wink of an eye! Abby went to workout because she wanted to watch the Grizzly's game at World Gym. She didn't have class today.

According to the weather report, it was to rain at 1pm. But by 1:30, no rain. I had to head out for a short run. It was hot and humid. When I got home, Abby was on a group conversation with her basketball teammates. Soochow seems to be extending online classes all the way until May 22nd and maybe even to June 8th. I hope they will have a graduation ceremony this year. Isaiah didn't!

After a quick shower, I cooked -- chicken with rice and cucumber salad! Then tutoring started at 3:30. Abby also had tutoring this evening and Alan had online class.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Discipline? Punishment? Consequences? I had a great study this evening. 

Rev. 3:19 says, 

The Living... — Revelation 3:19 (NLT) - I correct and discipline...

God loves us, so He disciplines us and we should do the same with our children!

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630