Sunday, May 22, 2022

Horrible Traumatic Unimaginable...

Last night, Alan went to bed early... At around 10:35, my head wasn't feeling well. My eyes were feeling overly tired. I went to lay down.

At 10:50, I heard a very shrill scream and then a loud horrendous THUD!

Both Alan and I jumped out of bed.

And to our utter horrid, a body was lying on the ground below C Building!

Someone had jumped!

We stayed up with ambulance and police, arriving. The body was not moving. The paramedics tried to revive her. We later found out. A gal from #13 jumped. And we don't think she survived. By 12am, the body was removed. They roped off the area. The investigators were around until until 3am. By 4am, the rope was taken down. The piece of what seemed like a bathrobe was taken away. 

It was very traumatic. Shocking!

We knew the gal... But we hadn't seen her for about a year. The story is that she had moved and then just recently moved back into the vacant apartment of her grandmother. Later today, we heard that she did not make it! Tragic!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Pastor Winston

Spiritual Breathing

I Cor. 2 & 3

7 Highlights:

1. What kind of believer are you ? Is God on the throne of your life? 

2. We can only know God as He reveals to us His mysterious way. Only as God gives us His mind can we understand His truth.

3. Are we the "Sunday Flower Arrangement" Christian, only looking good on Sunday, dying and withering by Monday?

4. Jesus must govern our lives so that our priorities are ordered by God, not self. We are not looking at the phenomenon of the Holy Spirit to prove we have the Holy Spirit. Be careful!

5. Carnal Christians use their own strength to live their life as a Christian. They don't understand nor acknowledge their own weaknesses. They choose not to surrender to the Lordship of God.

6. Carnal Christians substitute temporal things in exchange for external things. They are like power boats, not sail boats. They use their own power instead of waiting upon the wind/Spirit of God.

7. We are all filled but are we daily allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us? Are we daily accepting the governance of the Holy Spirit? 

What Does 1 Corinthians 2:16 Mean?

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630

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