Thursday, January 13, 2022

More Cleaning... Helping Others Out...

So, after Mom took off, I actually went back to bed and slept for 45 more minutes... Oh... I could have stayed in bed... but I had to go and help out the sister... sort and clean some more!

We started at 11:30 and finished at 3:40 and I got messages from the company. They needed me to edit three articles! I rushed home and got started. Thankfully, the Center messaged me... they will be bringing Mom home as the last person versus the first person! What a praise! I had time to finish the editing and get Mom's dinner ready! Those 15 extra minutes were so precious!

As for the sister's apartment... We will definitely need two more four-hour sessions! We have started to post things to give away. That's going well! Someone came and picked up six containers. Another person came to pick up two laundry baskets. I gave away six extension cords and five blankets. The gal sorted through three bags of custom jewelry and shredded three more boxes of paper. At least everything out of the cupboard. We will just need to sort and shred and donate and give away more stuff. I then have to repack what she is planning to keep. Those piles are presently too much... I will have to force her to give more away. We will see... 

Abby went to play basketball and Alan stayed at school to play with Soochow Faculty and Staff.

I stayed home. I was going to go for a run, but I was just literally spent!

The food I put in the crock pot before leaving turned out to be absolutely fabulous!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Keller says, Jesus is the Ultimate Joseph. And I was reading the narrative about Joseph from the Bible today. And the point is that God brings GLORY through SUFFERING... there are just as many people who blame God for suffering as those who are drawn closer to God through suffering. It's a matter of trust. 

It's how you view God... That a loving God has a purpose or that a loving God would eliminate all suffering? 

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630