Monday, January 17, 2022

A Restful Day...

Mom actually did sleep!

And after she went off to the Day Care Center, I did not do a load of laundry. I tidied up her room and went back to bed! I slept for three hours! DELIGHTFUL!

I did not cook as we had leftover dinner boxes!

I did go for a run with the back brace. When I walk or run, it actually feels less tight. I have not ran for four days... so it was good to be out there IN THE RAIN! (which is one of my favorite kind of running weather!)

Abby went to be a statistician for some basketball competition and I told her to ask someone else to do the afternoon as she had an exam to finish up! She reluctantly agreed! She went out partying with her friends in the evening as they are finished with all the tests!

Alan was at school all day... trying to get things done, plus he wanted to watch the game and I didn't want the WiFi on... ha, ha, ha... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

My back has always been a reminder from God to stop... to slow down... God is good... He is my Shepherd. I was getting so frustrated with the daily changing of the bedding and having to 'assist' my Mom in cleaning out her bathroom situation! From April of 2021 to now has been difficult... When Taiwan became more serious with Covid and things were locked down, and Mom's declining mental capacity plus her irregular sleep patterns, all made for a very stressful eight months. Then in these past two months, the daily loads of laundry and changing sheet really took a toll on my back. So, I rejoice... these last three days of very limited mobility were used by God... In all circumstances, GIVE THANKS!

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630