Thursday, March 25, 2021

Time to Catch Up!

I only had one hour of tutoring today... But I still felt like I was rushing around!

I did a load of laundry and started to work on my 4/11 talk.

Then I renewed both of our houses' insurance and edited a student's essay. I called to reserve Mom's massage and Abby and my hair appointment, plus afternoon tea for Alan and I on the 7th!

I had a quick lunch and a nap! The runny nose was starting again! 

The weather was delightful, so I went out for an hour. Rushed home, took a quick shower and out to buy rice and soy bean milk. I was looking for beans to make chili, but the local small supermarket didn't have it. 

I rushed back and had a great tutoring session!

When that was over, the rice was cooked and I fixed Mom's dinner. Just seconds after I was finished, the phone rang. Mom was home!

Mom enjoyed her dinner to tofu, rice and chicken nuggets! 

After she went to bed, I went to Carrefour, looking for the beans... 

Ddaily Lovely Insight:

I'm enjoying my prep for my next message. In fact, once I started, I didn't want to stop... The weather was so great... I was antsy to get outside... but I was typing away... And so I was reminded again about the study yesterday and our lunch with the student from 17 years ago. An English major turned to becoming a fine artist! Living Life to the Full... Living Life with Jesus at the helm... Doing what the LORD wired you to do... So, please pray for the students in my Bible study at Soochow... Some of them feel stuck. One gal is in the Japanese Department and she has no interest in Japanese. Another is studying history and wonders why? Pray that they will find Jesus! To add to this Insight: the other night Isaiah was talking about being cum laude or summa cum laude or magna cum laude... Being a double major, he didn't think he made it. But with excitement, he sent us a text message... He is graduating with distinction... We don't know what the equivalent would be... but we are proud and happy for him. Indeed, the LORD'S favor shines upon him. He is also in the process of trying to figure out exactly what the LORD wired him to do for his future career! Please remember him in your prayers!

Pin on Inspiration

Seek Him First!

As You Are” – Capital Church


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, we are very proud of him... and I'm going to sneak into his graduation ceremony... ha, ha, ha...

  2. and why you have to sneak?
    catch that running nose

    1. Because only professors and students are in the auditorium... Parents are outside watching it. It's not just because of covid... that's the way that they've always done it!
