Friday, March 26, 2021

Relaxing Date!

Alan and I went to our old house and did our devotional reading and prayer time... He liked the way I rearranged the furniture. He checked the hot and cold water in the shower... No problem! Yeah... It was just switched off! I made the bed with the Duval cover and was trying to get the phone hooked up. I did not get a dial tone... So, tomorrow I will bring over another phone to try!

We then went to lunch at a new beef noodles place... very delicious! I brought home the leftovers for Mom to enjoy! We drove the car as I had things to drop off for donations, books to return and soda stream canister to buy at Miramar! We stopped and got dessert and bubble milk tea! NICE!

We got home and Alan checked the news while I took a nap. Then I went for a run as Alan would be home for Mom care!

The weather was on the warm side... but I decided to go for 12kms. I had drank lots of water before starting the run. That really helped!

Mom indeed enjoyed her dinner. 

Friends came over this evening to talk about their desire to purchase a home... budget, current housing situation, etc.

Daily Lovely Insight:

I read this quote from Oswald Chambers, the author of a classic devotional, My Utmost for His Highest:

Spiritual maturity is not reached by the passing of years, but by obedience to the will of God!

Here is another quote for you to think on:

Oswald Chambers Quotes: top 100 famous quotes about Oswald Chambers

Seek Him First!

God's Heart for the Nations


  1. one would hope for spiritual maturity with age, at least a little.....

  2. That won't happen... There are lots of 50+ year olds who are totally spiritually immature!
