Sunday, March 21, 2021

God Is Faithful...

What a day... To start off with, we all didn't sleep much as Mom was clapping and banging... 

Alan was up twice... I was up twice... Isaiah was up and so was Abby... And it started at around 3am!

I made an appointment for Mom this coming Saturday... yes, we just went yesterday... We will go again this Saturday... I'm just tired thinking about all that I have this week!

But at 2pm, after lunch, she finally felt tired! She went and laid down but we left at 3pm to go to church. we were late... Abby was playing the drums... We wrote to the worship team to say SORRY. I was the speaker... And the Holy Spirit worked through the message, even though I was feeling tired and like I was getting a cold! Thank you Jesus. I drank lots of water as my voice was getting so horse!

We had dinner at church and came home by 7:45. Mom was in bed by 8:30! Please pray that she will sleep through the night without banging and clapping... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

I spoke on Paul, the Apostle... And I talked about the faith-filled prayers of Paul, the missionary journeys of Paul and the character traits of Paul. One trait was how Paul shook off the viper after the shipwreck. It's time for us to shake off any vipers that have bitten us... What kinds of vipers? Vipers of discouragement. Vipers of worries. Vipers of complaints. Vipers of deception. 

We need the word of God and the Holy Spirit to help us shake those vipers off... Don't let any of them cling to us!

Seek Him First

!Daily Bible Reading Devotional [Psalm 67]-August 16, 2017 – Dust Off The  Bible


  1. Oh yes... But that's not really Mom... But maybe the medication will help! It's worth a try!

  2. And thanks for watching the HOP sermon!
