Saturday, March 27, 2021

Another Trip to YangMing Hospital!

It was another busy day... 

I took Mom to the hospital and picked up her report... then we went to see about getting some Risperdone, but the doctor can't prescribe that without a psych evaluation. I have to get that done. So, instead, he prescribed the lowest dosage of a sleeping pill/anxiety relief pill... I gave Mom half tonight... Ok... back to the day...

We got back and Mom had lunch... then she watched Little House while I went for a short run!

Then we were out the door again as it was time for her massage! Abby went with her... 

I went to run errands while they were getting the massage... paying bills, trying to get the old house phone fixed (I will have to call the telephone company to come and fix it!). I also bought noodles for our dinner. It was so difficult to find parking, so I walked, and walked and walked... 

Abby and Mom were finished by 5:15 and we drove home and had dinner! YUMMY.

Isaiah was hanging out with Vikki... Abby had tutoring before the massage... then she went for a workout!

Alan watched TV. I decided to use the evening to catch up on some tidying up!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I just had to share two more of Oswald Chambers quotes... 

TOP 20 Oswald Chambers Quotes - YouTubeOswald Chambers Quote: “The great thing about faith in God is that it keeps  a man

Seek Him First!

Toɴy D'Elια on Twitter: "Psalm 67:1-2"


  1. Yes, it worked... but then ... the other situation is still a never ending horrid!
