Monday, March 22, 2021

Taking the Time to Rest!

Mom was better today... no banging at 3am... She started a bit later... around 5:45... We are grateful for the extra sleep! Thank you for your prayer support!

I was feeling a bit under the weather, plus the temperature really dropped. So, I decided to use the day to rest...

I completed my Bible studies... I organized the containers in the back balcony. I cooked a pot of chili. I took a TWO-HOUR NAP! I went and got my student's writing made into two books! They turned out beautifully! On the way back from the Copier, I stopped at the supermarket and bought flour as I will need to bake for my Wednesday Bible study!

Mom was back promptly and enjoyed her dinner. After a shower, she was in bed and I took off for tap dancing. We are learning some difficult steps... YIKES... My feet can't move like that!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Deuteronomy 32:3-4:

Pin on lessons for life

What a beautiful description of our Almighty God! 

I love how THE ROCK just stands out. This is Moses writing... and he was barred from entering the Promised Land because he hit the rock to bring water for the Israelites... and here he is praising God. The ROCK, His work is perfect, for all His ways are justice. Reading those words I can see Moses' heart. He was not complaining. He knows God is just and perfect. In the next chapter, God told him to go up to Mt. Nebo, view the land, and Moses died there! And when he opened his eyes, Moses who spent his life face to face with God, became face to face with the ROCK... for all eternity! So, he truly went to the best Promised Land!

Seek Him First!

May God Be Gracious To Us Psalm 67:1-2 Nursery Bible Verse | Etsy



  1. I should... but I don't... I'm fighting off this cold... So, I HAVE TO NAP MORE!
