Monday, March 15, 2021

A Much Too Busy of A Day!

I thought I'd have a bit more time to rest, but no way!

I started the day with a load of laundry and then when Mom left, I got busy with organizing the tech wires and then cooked. I finished the laundry and went to the post office. I mailed off pictures for Annie and Mom Bea. I headed to Carrefour and bought the coconut juice and yogurt drinks! I lugged everything back and put everything away. Then I finally had lunch. 

It was hot, but I had to go out for a run. After a fast shower, I was out the door. I had a meeting with a gal to pray together.

I barely had time to scooter home and get food in the microwave and Mom was back. As soon as she was settled to eat, I had a Skype tutoring session! That went long... but I could hear that Alan and Abby were home. They tended to Mom. When I finished, I was out the door as I had tap dancing tonight and I was already late. I love tap dancing... I got home at 10:20!

Daily Lovely Insight:

It was refreshing to get together for the sole purpose of prayer. Indeed, Galatians 6:2 is truth!

How To Carry One Another's Burdens - Crystal Storms

Seek Him First!

Wordsearch Bible on Twitter: "May God be gracious to us and bless us; may  He make His face shine upon us so that Your way may be known on earth, Your  salvation


  1. Lets hope you improve from last session HAHAHAH

  2. Improvement is slow... but steady! But I love it!
