Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sunday! Already November!

Mom was up early... Yesterday I cut her hair. Today, I made her do her nails -- toes and fingers!

Then after breakfast, some of our church friends were going to the park for a birthday celebration. So, I took Mom. She needed the exercise. Unfortunately, they had food! And she kept wanting more!

We came home and I got her to lay down for a little rest. I took a nap, too!

At 2:20, we headed out to church. Alan rode his scooter there, and so did Isaiah. Alan had his tennis tournament. And Isaiah met up with Vikki plus he has tutoring after church.

I spoke on A Different Kind of Blindness. Quite an enjoyable talk!

Dinner at church and we got home at 8:00. 

After Mom went to bed, I used the time to finish up things, including writing this blog! I did another load of laundry. And we watched TV. I also went down to the guard booth again to do a bit more organizing. I am still not finished!

And I didn't get to pick up trash today. I have that down on my schedule for tomorrow!

Daily Lovely Insight:

  1. What insights do you have about this passage from II Kings 6:8-23?
  2. Have you ever experienced anything in a miraculous way?
  3. What kind of blindness do you think the army of Aram had?
  4. Why did Elisha tell the king of Israel to feed the enemy?
  5. What strategy is God teaching you here about prayer?
  6. What is God saying about being generous?
  7. How can we apply God’s word in your lives through this passage?
Enjoy reading the passage and answering these questions!

Seek Him First!



  1. all such thought provoking questions. I will work on some answers

  2. I look forward to your answers!
