Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Birthday Fun...

 Isaiah turned 22 today! In the morning, he had an interview with an ultra-marathoner in Canada! He then worked on transcribing all the notes and then he will translate everything for a 'virtual' conference as the 24hr Ultra had to be cancelled this year! He went to his basketball practice and I took off for my Bible study.

Alan had left earlier as he had the Thanksgiving luncheon. We prayed that the students will come to know Jesus through these special events. 

After the Bible study, I rode to find the ice cream cake store! I bought one... what a splurge! 35US$!

We had booked a buffet restaurant, which we went to after Mom was in bed! We made a late reservation! We have found that if we disrupt Mom's schedule, we will pay for it! She gets hyper and we cannot sleep! Saturday is going to be Abby's celebration and we are going out to JinShan. So, she's going to enjoy all the food then. We can't let her eat that much in one week. Plus, this Sunday is going to be another feast at church as I ordered special food. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

The other verse that we did not choose is Joel 2: 12-13.

We love this passage, but we felt it's more for a country, not for our family. Nevertheless, it is wonderful to meditate on God's word!

Seek Him First!