Wednesday, November 11, 2020

11/11 Shopping Day

Isaiah and Abby were trying to 'grab' an iPhone 12 for about 370US$. NO WAY! I don't think it was possible. In less than 30 seconds, it said, "Sold Out". I truly wondered if it was a scam!

Anyhow, we tried! 

I then went on line to see all the products that they had for sale... Very alluring!

I did buy some household products from Carrefour!

And then at around 2:30, I messaged my tutee and she said no need for tutoring tonight! Since the weather was great, I decided to go for a long run -- 3 hours! I had not gone for such a long run in such a long time. It was a good run, but I didn't hit my goal. I did a little over 15 miles but I was aiming for 17 miles! When I came back, I had messages from different people. My tutee asked me to help her and my editing job had something that also needed my help. So, I sat down and edited. Then I took a quick shower and went to tutor! We worked on Poetry and it was so much fun!

I came back and Alan was watching TV. The house needed tidying up! And Isaiah had a paper that he wanted me to help him with! 

What a busy night!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I spent an hour this morning reading. One quote was really insightful: real humility means to rest! This is what the author explained: Do you know where constant worry comes from? It's rooted in an arrogance that assumes, I know the way my life has to go, and God's not getting it right. I must agree. I need more humility!

Seek Him First!


  1. Well, you did start at almost 50 so I guess you can last another 20 years !!!!

  2. You're talking about my running... Trust me... when I sat down to edit, it was difficult to get up again. The shower and massage cream helped! I took more than 31,000 steps and burned over 2,000 calories!
