Sunday, November 8, 2020

Nice Hair Conditioning!

Mom was up... and while she was having breakfast, I did another load of clothes and went through the bathroom cabinets!

Then Abby and I took off for our hair conditioning appointment. What a difference!

I stopped at Carrefour and bought tons of manager's special items. My arms felt as if they were going to fall off carrying all that I bought!

I barely had time to put things away and we were out the door for church. It started sprinkling!

This week's speaker: Dare to Thrive, Not Just Survive! Scriptural Passage: Eph. 6: 10-23!

Daily Lovely Special: 

I can't describe how heavy my heart is regarding this recent election in the US. I must hold on to the truth that God is in control and He transforms all things according to His perfect will, even when things look bad! And when I don't understand, I will press on in prayer! I must see life through His eyes and praise Him. It just saddens me to see the moral decline not only in the States, but here in Taiwan and globally!

Seek Him First!



  1. Yes things are getting so bad. Just keep praying and God is in control.

  2. I will continue to pray! They blame Trump for many things without seeing the good that he has done!
