Sunday, November 22, 2020

Manager's Special, Tutoring, and Helping Out

The weather has been so strange -- hot and cold and cold and hot... Today was half and half! In the morning it was hot and then in the late afternoon, it rained and the temperature dropped!

I had to tutor and I just love what we work on. Analyzing poetry and writing... The time always goes by so fast! I then headed to church... I always enjoy worshipping with our HOP family!

This evening, I worked on editing the dissertation!

Daily Lovely Insight:

We have many reasons to give thanks even when circumstances don't seem to give us any reasons to be grateful! God loves us. God is sovereign. God works things for good even when we don't see anything good! And there has been a lot of good even in this year of 'bads'... God wants us to give thanks in our difficulties so that we can grow and mature in Christ and be used to comfort others. II Cor. 1:3-4 says, 

Seek Him First!



  1. Like at Ralph's... Items that are 'soon to be expired' are half off! Like yogurts... regularly 60NT$, on sale for 30NT$! And the expiration date is still a week away!
