Thursday, March 28, 2024

Finally... A Sabbath REST!

So nice to have a Sabbath rest in the midst of this Holy Week... It almost didn't happen as the complex was having some issues that I had to take care of... 

I went to run early in the morning as I didn't know what the day would hold... I'm grateful that the Lord made the Sabbath possible.

Two new security personnel were to arrive and I was to meet them and oversee the handover. When I came back from my early morning run, I saw them. But when I took Mom down to catch the van, they were gone! I came up and asked the company what happened... the two guys walked around and didn't want to accept the assignment!

Thus, they had to send one of their managers to go over the handover details and I didn't have to be there! I was able to sit and read... and rest... How I needed the time!!!

In fact, last night, I was so confused about the prayer time with this sister... We pray every other week and I thought we had prayed last week. And then I realized that I had 'lost' a week because Mom was in the hospital. So, last Wednesday, we didn't pray... Wow... Last week was a time warp!

I finished one book and read the text notes for my Revelation study... and enjoyed my day... 

Mom was back and I had her dinner ready. 

Alan and Isaiah went to play basketball at Soochow... I think tonight they played the MOE team...

I had a nice evening at home after Mom went to bed!

Daily Lovely Insight:

The "spirit" of Christmas is more festive with all the shops decorated with lights and front doors with wreaths. What's the 'spirit' of this holiday? It surely is not Easter eggs and Easter bunny... Sure, Palm Sunday was when Jesus entered and people shouted HOSANNA... but that shout soon changed! As I was sharing with my students yesterday, what came to my mind was: HOPE through a REPENTANT & GRATEFUL HEART! 

What do you think?

Maundy Thursday is a reminder that we are to serve and love one another.

What does this holiday mean to you?

Seek Him First!

Rom 5:3-4 Suffering Produces – Encouraging Bible Verses


  1. For sure LOVE one another, especially those that are 'hard' to love

  2. No kidding... but you don't have anyone like that, do you???
