Monday, February 19, 2024

Alan Is Back!

What a day! 

I was up early and after Mom took off... the day just didn't stop!

I went to the Housing Office as I needed to get Abby's National Health Insurance sorted out!

Then I rushed back and got Alan's scooter...I was going to ride it over to school for him, then saw that it needed a tune up! So, I rode it over to our great scooter mechanics. They checked Alan's license plate and he needed his yearly smog check done! I finally was able to go and drop off the scooter and run home. It was hot and I only ran 7km.

Alan landed and caught the 12:40 bus... 

I rushed to take a shower and went to the SongShan Airport to pick him up! It was late and I had tutoring at 2pm. He dropped me off and I walked over to tutor, getting there at 1:58! He drove to school, missing the first hour of class! He will make it up next week!

When I finished tutoring, I got a UBike and rode home, stopping at Carrefour for mayonnaise and bread. Total cost for the use of the bike: 5NT$!

I put things away and got Mom's dinner ready and laid down. I was so tired!

Unfortunately, the phone rang... Mom was home... 

While she was eating, Alan came home and the unpacking started. He went for a run as he needed to pick up his scooter! I did most of the sorting and putting things away... I didn't finish and Mom was already finished with her dinner!

Honestly, I just wanted to take a nap... 

By the time Alan came back, I was almost finished with putting away everything! I had sorted through the cupboards before his arrival, anticipating how much there would be to put away! That was a smart move! I even had room in the freezer for his donuts and danishes!

Daily Lovely Insight:

My right cheek bone is still hurting... Please pray... very annoying... I'm asking God to heal me... 

Jesus is My #1 Doctor - My GOD is my Healer! ==>>AMEN | Facebook

Seek Him First!

Rom 5:3-4 Suffering Produces – Encouraging Bible Verses


  1. You never mentioned about your right cheek bone, when did that start?

  2. Could be a sinus infection after your long bout with your bug. You may need antibiotics. Dr. Annie may have other concerns.

  3. It's not related to teeth... and I thought about a sinus infection... but as I prayed and rubbed some oil on it... it's beginning to feel better!
