Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Tutoring Cancelled... YEAH!

I was up early... and the day was hectic, even though my afternoon tutoring cancelled...

After Mom left, I was out the door for a quick 9k run! It was hot and my legs were stuck on neutral!

Alan was back at the same time... and we headed out to pick up things: a package that was sent back from Brazil and shelves that a friend was giving away.

We were heading back at around 11:45 as the pick up was FAST, so we decided to go to Costco! I had a list and Alan and I split up! We were out in less than 30 minutes.

Alan had a quick meeting at 1pm and I worked to put everything away.

I was out the door by 1:45 to meet up with a friend for coffee and a time to catch up!

I was heading back at 4pm, so I stopped at WGE. I'm getting back to trying to have a quick workout at least four times a week.

I was home and I had started a Mexican dish in the crock pot and it was done.

The phone rang and Mom was back... 

Isaiah went to the Young Adult Fellowship Group at Taipei International Church. This was his first time!

Alan had a HOP meeting... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Dear God... Thank you... That's all... Just to tell you that I'm so very grateful! 

Seek Him First!

Rom 5:3-4 Suffering Produces – Encouraging Bible Verses


  1. That young adult meeting should be good, so many of them there.... I saw that it was 84 degrees !!! REALLY????

  2. It was very warm! Only about 20 in the young adult group... Isaiah said it was ok, but he doesn't think he will go again!
