Monday, February 26, 2024

A Special Monday!

I was not up as early as I like... My goal this year is to rise before dawn... God is faithful and I was up before dawn... but I've been enjoying getting up by 4:45!

When I finished my time with Jesus, Alan was up and was heading over to the workout place!

I was getting Mom up and out!

When Mom left, Alan was home. And he needed help with his 'elderly card'. It needs to be swiped every six months to keep it 'current'. So, I changed my morning plans and went out to a convenience store with him in order to show him how to get it done.

Then I was at the post office and WGE. I changed clothes and went out for a run. The weather was superb. Yes, I'm still running only 9k.

It was nice to take a shower at WGE and sit in the sauna. I did my usual four machines and was home for lunch.

The complex is having so many issues. Please pray! We need God to help this community to be more loving towards one another! Some neighbors are noisy and don't care about being a bother. Then our complex has 24hour security but the cost is getting too high. So, we want to have only a guard on duty in the day time. 

I had my lunch... I made a great salad and sat down to work on my March 17th talk. YEAH... I finished and will move on to the talk in April! Oh... I was able to work at home because I didn't have tutoring at 2pm!

A neighbor came by and dropped off a bag of clothes. That gave me the opportunity to stand up and stretch! I sorted through everything... The bag was filled with winter items. There was a nice North Face jacket, which was exactly something that Alan wanted! MIRACULOUS!

At 4pm, I had prayer time with a sister. When that ended, the phone rang! Mom was home all too soon... I had dinner ready. I also took out Mexican food for Alan and Isaiah. We didn't have any extra bento boxes from the Love Feast last night as we had several newcomers! 

Isaiah has a cough... OH NO! It sounds the same as what I caught from him... He went to bed early!

We all did!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Numbers 7:89 KJV

Seek Him First!

Romans 5:4-5 - 88.3 The Journey


  1. And why can't people just get along ???

  2. The cough syrup DOES NOT work for this crazy 'cough'... this bug has mutated! And no kidding... why can't people get along? We live in such close proximity of each other!
