Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Peace Day Holiday!

I was up early!

I had planned to use the morning to work on cleaning the old house for the elderly couple and the lady who is staying there. It took three hours! And it was intense... the gal is back into the hospital and the elderly couple did not clean the kitchen floor or sink for a while... I go once a month and that's a good thing. I need to do this! After three hours, the house was looking very nice!

I rode back and it was Mom Care!

In the afternoon when Isaiah came back from the Worship Team Workshop, we went to this new mall. We walked around through every floor... and then ate dinner there! We were rushing home to have Family Time, but Abby couldn't make it as there are guests who are touring the campus.

I put Mom to bed and tidied up the house... It was a long day! But I wanted to work on my April talk on the Holy Spirit!

What a great day!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Each day when I have to do diaper duty, I feel no joy! I just feel so bad that I have no joy in completing this duty. And I repent and still, the next day, I feel no joy. 

And today, the LORD shined upon my heart. He practically said, "YOU HAVE JOY. YOU ARE JUST NOT HAPPY ABOU THE TASK!"

Oh yes... thank you, Jesus. 

I don't have to feel happy with the smell and the task... but I always have joy because I always have the Holy Spirit. I don't need to beat myself up. I don't have to keep repenting. I am joyful and joy-filled. In life, there are tasks that we don't enjoy doing and that's totally ok! I don't have to be happy about my current situation. But I can always be joyful and I can always give thanks!

How about you? Can you relate?

Seek Him First!

Rom 5:3-4 Suffering Produces – Encouraging Bible Verses


  1. Absolutely, JOY is NOT happiness, and you HAVE JOY !!!!

  2. Glad you got the awareness. You don’t have to be happy about a very unpleasant task. There was never any reason to repent about that. We are told to be thankful IN all things not FOR all things. You are one of the most joy filled thankful people I know.

  3. Thank you so much... I was beating myself up... I feel so much better after the LORD just made it so clear. I am a joyful person... that's one of the biggest changes after coming to know Jesus!
