Sunday, November 5, 2023


It was a hot Sunday and my legs were sore. Glad I had a day to recuperate!

I didn't go to WGE. I didn't go pick trash. It was too hot!

I did do a load of wash. I did mop the floor. I did do some general housework. And we had plenty of food in the fridge!

We were off to church at 2:15. I brought oranges and plenty of snacks for Love Cafe and I didn't make coffee because it was too hot! I brought iced tea mix!

I had to translate which worked out as James and Emma (they came late) sat with Mom.

We had sandwiches for dinner!

After Mom went to bed, I went to help a friend who is going to rent a place near our house. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

That's as plain as it gets!

Seek Him First!


  1. They always have an excuse... this time, they forgot the location and got lost. Walked for 40 minutes, so they say!
