Sunday, November 26, 2023

A Different Sunday!

I was up early and had planned to go to the Shekinah Church as I couldn't attend our HOP afternoon service.

The service was fantastic... First, the speaker was the founder of the Day Care Center of the Church's Social Outreach Ministry. What a testimony! Then they sang a song that I wanted to share at the wedding this afternoon. When they started singing it, I felt the goodness of God flooding over me!

I came home and got Mom up and she seemed fine... She bounced back... She ate breakfast, but I didn't give her much. Then at around lunch time, I gave her another box of Supra Sports Drink and a piece of bread. No problem!

I had to leave and Alan was in charge. 

I went to catch the train to JiaoXi and along the two hour train ride, I message Alan. Mom was back to her hyper self!

I arrived and found the hotel. I was to read the Scriptures and give a word of encouragement! The place was packed... and the banquet had even more people. I had to leave at 8pm as my train was at 8:14. I rushed back to the train station and caught the train. I 'napped' all the way back, messaging Alan and Isaiah from time to time!

I found my scooter and rode home by 11pm!

When I got home, there were things to clean up... and of course, I blogged and downloaded the emails.

Thank you Jesus... You always carry me through!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Take the time to read Psalm 84... What a beauty! What a song of thanksgiving!

Seek Him First!