Friday, November 10, 2023


I was up and out and ran 14k... It wasn't cool, but bearable that early!

Then I had a quick shower and Mom care!

When she left, I started getting out all the sheet and pillowcases... YWAM has two teams coming to Taiwan. They need blankets, pillows and beddings! I got together 15 sets of beddings and will give them about 4 pillows and 4 blankets and loan them three more blankets. I have a few at the old house, so I will have to go over and get them! They will come up on Tuesday to pick up everything. I'm also giving them some small appliances!

Then I headed out to pay another bill (Mom's Day Care bill), get gas for my scooter and had a quick workout at WGE.

I was home by 10:33! Alan and I had our date. First, lunch at Campus Cafe. The food was delicious. It was a splurge... two of us about 30US$!

Then we went to Costco as it's the birthday celebration at church on Sunday. I wanted to buy some desserts. And we needed milk and romaine lettuce! We also got some boneless chicken, which I popped into the air fryer when I got home! I unloaded everything and then we were out again!

We went to the Miramar arcade and used up the last of our tokens! YEAH! I also bought a few luxury items from the B1 supermarket! It's a high end supermarket, but they sure have nice things. A lady was giving sample of sausages... and we started chatting... she needed some encouragement! Just talking to her, she said she was getting goosebumps and wanted to cry! I didn't pray with her. Please remember her: the lady at the B1 supermarket. She has a Christian friend who has invited her to attend church, but she hasn't gone! I pray that this Sunday she will go!

We were back just before 5pm. I had made an appointment for Alan to get a massage as his left side felt weird... very stiff! And of course, I had to be home for Mom Care.

Isaiah had two dinner appointments with Soochow students who are in the English Department's Basketball Team. The freshmen invited Isaiah and so did the upper classmen. So he will go to both!

The weather cooled down as it's going to rain this weekend!

Daily Lovely Insight:

We, as a family, are in the process of selecting our verse for 2024! As we look back, it has been interesting as the verse or passage has really been the focus of that year! We started back in 2004 and this next year, would be our 20th year!

Here is one of the suggestions:

Voting will take place at our next Family Time on Monday, 11/13!

Seek Him First!

1 comment:

  1. I know that I cannot take it with me, but God might want me to use the fund to bless others... Must have wisdom and a stewardship mentality!
