Sunday, November 19, 2023

Fulfilling Sunday!

I was up early and then after my quiet time, I went back and rested!

Then I was out at WGE and Carrefour!

I was home and it was Mom Care!

Alan and Isaiah had a tennis tournament, so they didn't get back until 12noon.

We were out of the house by 2:15 as Alan and I had counseling at 2:30. We were a bit late as the couple was late too. That gave me time to set up the Love Cafe. I usually bring snacks and make the coffee. 

I had to translate for Andrew, our speaker. He spoke from II Kings 5:1-14, the Power of Obedience!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Here are some of the main points from the sermon today:

1. Be willing to listen to those who you might deem to be younger and lower than you.

2. Be aware of armor you put on to hide your defects. The longer you try to hide things, the more serious the problems become.

3. Be sensitive of 'leprosy', things in your life that eat at you.

4. Be obedient to God's instructions for the results will be most unexpected.

Seek Him First!


  1. I'm going to try to post some comments to reply to your comments: RUN and not get tired... that's why I love that verse...
