Saturday, April 15, 2023

A Very Different Saturday!

A friend had signed up for a 10k and couldn't make it. So I got her bib... It's a night run, which I love. And the forecast had said, RAIN!

So, this morning, I got Mom up and she enjoyed her meals and her snacks. I had her listening to the Bible being read. And I also had some great praise songs playing!

Isaiah had gone to meet up with Vikki.

Alan went to Costco for us. He was home with Mom as I left at 5:10. I ran to World Gym and dropped off my bag. I then ran to the park where the race started. There were so many people. They had to stagger the start time. There were only two races -- 21k and 10k. Four people from church joined the 21k. And two of us were at the last start for the 10k.

I decided to run the 10k and then run another 11 plus k to complete a half marathon. And I was very happy with my results.
I haven't ran these short distances for more than 13 years! I am thrilled to know that I can still run fairly fast!

I came home and was so hungry!

I took a shower and went back to World Gym to pick up my bag of stuff. I didn't want to carry the race stuff and extra clothes while I ran!

Before the run, I had time to finish my talk for tomorrow and next Sunday. I also started to prepare the ppt for Part 3. I will have to finish hopefully by Monday!

Daily Lovely Insight:

John Harper... Have you heard of him? He was on the Titanic and survivors said that he went around in that freezing water, pleading with people, floating, "Believe in the Lord Jesus!" He died... and met the Lord... and he helped many to spend eternity SAVED... even when the ship SANK! Someone even testified that Harper gave him his life vest!

The tomb is empty. We, as believers, need not fear death. It is Good News and we should be more fervent in sharing this with others.

It was a timely reminder, reading about John Harper! 

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images