Friday, November 12, 2021

Personal Retreat!

Since everyone was gone, I decided to take a personal retreat day... I was called on to tutor, but I had to say NO. I wanted to finish Abby's room, look over my goals and consider the news ones for next year. Of course, I also had planned for a long run! I needed more time... But I'm grateful... I got home just seconds before Mom was back! Praise the LORD. The weather was perfect. And I did a circular route. I could have covered more distance, but it was very easy to get lost. And since I was running around unfamiliar territories, I had no idea where the vending machines were. And the bike places were not letting people refill their water bottle. So, several times, I had to go out of the park to find a 7/11 or Family Mart to buy something to drink.

I heard from Alan. They lost their first game by 11 points! But they won their second game. The morning game only had six of their players. No wonder they lost!

Isaiah is getting ready to take off for his trip to Wales with the Christian Union people. Please pray for him! I think he will have a splendid time. 

Mom was weird again tonight... I was about to strangle her. Let's just say I caught her before she made a mess in the room! And strangely, tonight, my neighbor called. Her father is in a full time care facility. She will find out if there is any room there... PRAY!

Daily Lovely Insight:

God really provides... I was running out there today... It got cool and I was thinking, "If only I had a scarf." Less than a minute later, there was a scarf, clean, on the road. Then I found a nice towel, clean! I needed something to pad my waist as the hip sack was beginning to cut! It was amazing!

Theodore Roosevelt said: Who at the worst if he fails... at least fails while daring greatly... 

Don't live in a gray twilight of the past... 

Seek Him First!

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