Friday, November 26, 2021

Second Shot, Birthday Shopping!

Mom was again active last night... I will have to talk to the doctor and up her sleeping pill dosage! I don't know how she has so much energy!

After Mom took off, I tidied up and headed out -- second shot of my vaccine. I forgot to bring the yellow 'covid passport' so I had to go back home. Alan went to another place for his shot. When I finished, we headed out with Abby for birthday shopping. Usually, Isaiah is with us! WAHHHHH... Abby found some that she likes... Alan did, too! In fact, Alan bought two pairs! We had lunch out at the Mall and then came back to the Apple Store right at Miramar and Abby bought her new iPhone 13 with the Apple Care!

We had to rush home and on the way up the hill, we saw the van for Mom. We were right behind it! YEAH!

Abby had to babysit the kids of our neighbor, so she headed straight over there. I picked up Mom, while Alan went to B2 to park the car. I had dinner cooked. All I needed to do was heat everything up. Mom enjoyed her turkey meal, plus cherry cheesecake for dessert. She was inhaling the dessert so fast that it was a bit scary to watch. 

The box for the Philippines was picked up but the cost had gone up!

I also had a press release to edit! There were gifts to wrap up for the White Elephant Party... at least we have a venue! I will call the other place and cancel!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I read these in a devotional book: 

Meanness + malice link arms to create misery!

We are free NOT to choose the feelings that others choose for us!

Discouragement is not a fruit of humility, but of pride and nothing can be worse. It springs from the secret love of our own excellence!

Verse of the Day - 1 Samuel 30:6 - iDisciple

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 | Creative | Scripture Art | Free Church Resources from  Life.Church