Tuesday, November 16, 2021

No Study Today!

Yes, I didn't have our usual morning or evening study. My evening study asked to get together for Thanksgiving, so we will see each other next week on Thursday! Right on Isaiah's birthday!

I used the time to read all the essays and I'm still not finished. I did have tutoring at 4!

Then after Mom went to bed, I went out for a run.

I did have to do a load of laundry because Mom peed so much! I don't give her a lot of water for her evening meal, but I know that she drinks a lot at the Center! 

I did not finish my talk notes for December. I hope to get one finished by Thursday. 

I have started my new reading plan. Yes, I've finished reading through the Bible again. Once a year! And I also started a new devotional book! My verse for this 'new year' is: Isaiah 30:18 -Bible Verses about isaiah 30:18The Fountain of Life Church HQ, Ilupeju, Nigeria - #PromiseForTheWeek  🙏🙏🙏 : “Therefore the LORD will wait, that He may be gracious to you; And  therefore He will be exalted, that He

What a beautiful verse of focus for 2022!

We had Family Time tonight... and I will post tomorrow the result of our vote for 2022 Family Verse!

Daily Lovely Insight:

For my new verse of focus, the Lord highlighted the word: THEREFORE, or YET, depending on the translation! Look at what Isaiah 30 is talking about... and how significant that THEREFORE is... 

Even in my rebellion, the Lord waits to be gracious towards me!

Seek Him First!

Pin on Words to live by


  1. YOU need those super duper diapers

  2. I bought those super duper diapers... They are so huge, but I need to put them in a way that when Mom is asleep, the pee doesn't leak!
